Howdy, Howdy, Howdy! For those not familiar with Gary Larson (or not familiar enough), that's from one of his cartoons; one of my personal favorites, actually. If I had anything worth giving away I'd host a contest. Y'all would have to tell me which cartoon that tag is in.
But, since I'm just a poor, starving, unpub, I'll just skip all that and get to the point. I have a nice little circle of folks who come by and say Howdy every now and then, and I'd like to take a moment to plug them all in my blog. They are all listed to the right, but I wanna introduce them, anyway. It's pointless, it's useless, it's a time filler, and it's cheesy and sentimental. Gosh darn it, that's just the kind guy I am.
Ready? Ok, here goes:
Aprilynne Pike is a friend of mine from Absolute Write. She's a writer of High Fantasy and YA, and is represented by none other than Jodi Reamer of Writer's House. She also loves her kids and hubby, her friends, writing, and kumquats (and Quatlimes or Citriquats...I'm still working on the name).
Patricia Wood is the author of
Lottery, which is easily my favorite book of the year. See my review
here. She is going to be so incredibly big in the very near future that I am going to call her and ask if she'll loan me ten bucks, even though I won't actually need it. She also happens to be an extremely nice person, and I feel priviledged to know her, even if it is only in cyberspace.
Adrienne Kress is the author of the middle grade book
Alex and the Ironic Gentleman (or
Alex and the Wigpowder Treasure, for those of you not in the US). I have read the book, and it's charming, witty, cute, very entertaining, and a joy...much like Adrienne herself. I owe her a review, but lazy old me still hasn't written it yet. I'll do it, Adrienne, I promise.
Chris Stevenson, aka triceratops in Absolute Write, is the author of
Word Wars and a soon to be HUGE book that I can't mention. But if I could, I would, and then y'all would all be like "Guh...get outta here. You
know that guy?" I do, and I am very proud of the fact. Chris is my Numero Uno bestest writing bud, and I wish him all the success in the world (no matter how envious I am).
John Elder Robison is the author of
Look Me In The Eye: My Life With Asperger's, which, of course, is his memoir about growing up Aspergian. Now, I have not read this book, but I have ordered it through Amazon and I am very much looking forward to the read. But the appeal of John's blog is that he talks about many things, including small business issues, the publication process, the stigma and misconceptions of Asperger's, and many other interesting topics. Plus he's a pretty nice guy, so any of y'all that haven't gone to his site yet oughtta make plans ta do so.
Moonrat, aka the Editorial Ass, is a new addition to the lineup over there on the right hand side of
I Have A Blog? She's an Editorial Assistant who blogs anonymously (can you blame her?). I love getting this perspective, and she has helped me with questions I have had about the publication process. Not only that, but you can tell reading her entries that she'd be fun to hang around with, as long as Robert wasn't around.
EDIT: I have been corrected. Robert is apparently quite fun and likes to pay for squid. :)
Dawn Rotarangi, the Kiwi. Author of
Ripples on the Lake and also a calf-rearer extraodinaire. I'm not exactly sure how she found my li'l blog, but she did, and she even left a comment! Woo! I think she was actually one of the first to do so. Fun fun. I love the stories she tells about rearing calves and doing radio interviews. She's just fun to read (except for that post about Noddy...that was a real downer).
Michael Southard. You know, I don't really know much about Michael, but he seems like a nice guy and I visit his blog often, even though he hasn't updated in in...uh...what year is this, again? Anyway, I like him, so I'm going to include him on here. Hi Mike!
Thomma Lyn. I absolutely adore the name of her blog. I mean,
Tennesee Text Wrestling? How can you not love that? Dawn is the author of
Thy Eternal Summer, and she is also the one who introduced me to the Thursday Thirteen meme. Now, I still haven't signed up for it (lazy, remember?) and I still dunno what a "meme" is, but TTW is one of my favorite blogs to visit. One of these days I am going to sneak out there and surprise her. I think she lives about 5 feet from my house. :) Ok, maybe a little farther.
Lady Bronco writes the
Frustrated Author blog. If there's a concept I can dig, it's that of a frustrated author. Seriously, how many people reading this can't relate? I thought her post today was hilarious. :) Hip Hop Community in Colorado Springs? The game of tag banned? Huh? What kinda crack they got over there in CO, anyway?
Tyhitia Green is slacking lately. She hasn't put up a new post on
Obfuscation of Reality since 8/31/07. Ok, ok, so that's not that bad. I've gone much longer, but I just wanted to pick on her because I'm a jerk like that. :) I have also just realized that, of the above mentioned blogs, hers is the only one I don't link to over there to the right. I'll have ta fix that (if she ever puts anything else on her blog...kidding, kidding OW!)
Ok, ok, I think that's enough for now. See how shmoozy this whole post reads? That's me shmoozing, 'cause I'm a shmoozer. Doesn't that just warm the cockles of your heart? That was my intention, or maybe I just like the word shmooze...and cockles. Yeah, that's it. They are fun to say.
Cockles cockles cockles. Shmooze shmooze shmooze. Hey, I could call it networking...but that's not as quirky.
Y'know...I just reminded myself of that movie
Hocus Pocus, specifically the part where Sara Jessica Parker's character is jumping up and down like a ding dong and saying "Amok amok amok amok."
In any case, hope y'all enjoy the free plugs. I kinda think the whole thing is pretty silly since most of the people who visit my li'l blog come from one of the sites listed above anyway, but hey, like I said before...pointless is who I am. :)
See Y'all!