Thursday, October 25, 2007

This, however, was not cool at all. WARNING: Rant ahead...and lots of self pity...

This is getting very frustrating. I received this rejection this morning (CC'd to my agent):

“Dear Mr. McAfee;

I'm sorry to inform you that I've come to a difficult decision. I do believe your novel is fresh, engaging and well-written. Unfortunately, I believe it's unusual enough that it may be difficult to find its audience. Since our company is so young, I don't believe we currently have that audience, and I'm not convinced we can do your work justice.

I hope you find a home for it, one that will have the wherewithal to pull out all the stops and promote it as it deserves.

My sincere best wishes;


Ok, so here is the scorecard thus far.

Too Controversial: 2
Time period a difficult sell: 1
Too “Blatantly Christian” (huh? Christian? News to me): 1
Well written, engaging, unique, but no place for it at this time: 1
Well written, fresh, and engaging, but too unusual: 1

Unique idea, but vague, hard to follow: 1

The one common theme among them all (aside from the rejection factor) is that every last one commented on the originality of the idea and how well written it was (except for that one, but even he commented on the uniqueness of the premise). So…basically I have a well written, engaging, fresh, unique and original story that…no one wants?

I thought that’s what publishers were looking for.

GRRRRRR…just…I mean…it’s…aigh! Sputter sputter sputter…

Okay, rant over. I’m just frustrated this morning. This was not a great way to start my day. I’ll be OK, though. Just need a donut or something.

At least the Red Sox won last night.


Aprilynne Pike said...

Oh, I'm sorry David.

*I* liked it!!!!

I really think you do have something with it though. It *is* a fresh and original idea. It deserves a place!!!

So there!!!!!

David L. McAfee said...

Thanks Aprilynne. :)

Man, I just dunno. Fresh. New. Original. Unique. Well-written...

What secret ingredient am I missing?

Ello - Ellen Oh said...

I thought i'd drop by as i always see you over at Moonrat's site. Sorry to hear this, but the comments you received are so good that you gotta believe it will get published. there was a great post about not giving up over at Dystel and goderich about a book the agent didn't give in on and it finally got published. I'm sure you are not missing anything. It's just timing and your timing will come. Best of luck to you and hope you don't mind if I pop by sometimes.

David L. McAfee said...

Not at all, ello. And thanks for dropping by. :)

Don't worry, I'm not usually so morose. Ask anyone.

Just having a bad day, is all. ;)

Michael said...

I don't know, David ... at least the comments are encouraging. I know you'll find a place for your work sooner or later.

LadyBronco said...

*Barf* on the BoSox and *Barf* on the clueless publishers!

(Sorry, I'm wallowing a bit in my own self-pity at the moment)

I hope and pray you will find a publisher that says "Hey, we like it, and we're gonna publish it!"

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're getting encouraging comments. It seems to me that publishers tend to be conservative; though they like to beat the "fresh and original" drum, they tend to balk at work that actually is fresh and original. That's why, to my mind, there are so many copycat books out there. But hang in there... your work sounds excellent, and I'm sure that not only will it find a publishing home but also that it'll be one of the trendsetters! :)

Tyhitia Green said...

You have a great concept and great story. I read your opening and loved it! You will find a home for your work. :*)

David L. McAfee said...

michael - well, I keep hoping. I'm not willing to give up on this one, even if I have to publish it myself.

ladybronco - Nah, no barfing. They are just doing their jobs (both the Sox and the pubs). Editors are people, too.

thomma lyn - Thanks. :) I was thinking the same thing. I know several writers with new and fresh ideas who have been turned down, and not for poor writing. I have to remind myself that patience is a virtue.

Tyhitia - Thanks so much for the vote of confidence, and for checking out my sample on Absolute Write. It means a lot.

Man, I can't wait to get this baby in print so I can load up the Acknowledgments section.

Tyhitia Green said...

You're more than welcome, David. Anytime! :*)

Chris Eldin said...

I saw you on Ello's blog (ha! What a chain....)
Anyway, from all these positive comments, it will just be a matter of time. It's hard to see that now, but remember the story about the publication of "The Lovely Bones?" No one wanted it because it was basically the story of a 14 year old girl who was murdered. Needless to say, it became a bestseller.
I simply can't believe publishers aren't taking 'fresh' and 'creative.' Do they want 'stale' and 'overly-done?'

Anyway, good luck with the process.