Saturday, May 5, 2007

Ancestor Has Arrived... Also, Several Things That Are Aprilynne's Fault :)

Today when I opened my mailbox, a little package was waiting for me. Y'all would probably recognize the box. It has a little smile on it...the word "" printed on the side...ring a bell? Good.

Anyway, inside this lovely little box was Ancestor, by Scott Sigler. yes, I know, I've mentioned it several times already (and Scott has visited the blog a couple times, too...what fun!), but I was very excited to get it so soon. Amazon rocks! I'll be diving into that one tonight.

Moving last post revealed my lack of literary enlightenment to untold millions (or would have, if I had that many readers), and one comment from an individual I won't name (See Aprilynne? I didn't use your name. Ha! uuhhh...oops. I could delete that, but I'm too lazy), actually *sniff* used the word *sniff sniff* "loser".

Ok, so long story short, I decided to pick up some classics I have been meaning to read, but just have not gotten to yet. Among them are Where the Red Fern Grows, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, and Journey to the Center of the Earth. I plan to start with Fern (after Ancestor). I'm also going to break out my copy of Lord of the Flies and try reading it again.

The bad news is, when I got back from the store with all those books in my hand (I also bought The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon), my wife gave me a dirty look and reminded me that we are but poor serfs. I struggled for a moment, then I said "It's Aprilynne's fault. She called me a loser."

While my wife tried to figure that statement out I was able to make my getaway. :)

Of course, sooner or later I am going to have to go back downstairs...


Dawn said...

Here's what you do, David. Give your wife the copy of The Girl who Loved Tom Gordon. Five minutes after she has settled with it, bring her a cup of coffee. By the time she has finished the book, all will be forgiven.

Anonymous said...

LOL @ Dawn!

Where the Red Fern Grows is a wonderful book -- I bet you'll love it. :)

Aprilynne Pike said...

Okay, I admit. It IS all my fault!!! *cries* I'm so sorry . . . *looks up from fake crying* Wait, wait, did you say you went out and bought the book? Okay, I'm not sorry anymore.;)

If it makes you feel better, I told my husband about you (I talked about you, Haha!:)) and he hasn't read it either!!! So you may be a loser, but I married a loser. I'm gonna make him read it!!!:)

David L. McAfee said...

So did my wife. Sheesh...what is it with y'all? Marrying losers. :)

S'okay, I forgive ya. I'll let you know what i think of it when I finish...provided I can see the keyboard through my tears (I hear it's a real tear-jerker).

Penelope said...

Karen (my human associate)had a copy of Lord of the Flies in her bag a few years back and I read it. She doesn't like it because it's disturbing, but I rather enjoyed Fielding's depiction of true human nature.
If you read it, get a hold of that BBC documentary about the fourteen year old boys in the house without any supervision. It's 21st century Lord of the Flies.

-- Penelope (the Cat)