So today I find the Super Villian test, so naturally I took it.
Whaddya know...the Spidey theme continues. I'm Venom! (another Yay!). That's cool because he was one of my favorite villains as a kid, too. :)
Your results:
You are Venom
| Strength, disguise and adrenaline are your greatest weapons.![]() |
Click here to take the "Which Super Villain are you?" quiz...
FYI - I was an 82% match with Apocalypse, 78% match with Dr. Doom and 67% match with Poison Ivy. I'm weirded out by high my evil quotient is.
Ooooh, I'm Mystique...awesome! What a cool woman! :*)
Hi David, I'm linking you to better stalk.....errr, find you.
I got Doctor Doom. I don't get it. Some of the villians in the list don't seem to match my answers. Like, how can I get the Riddler when I said that I don't like making practical jokes?
I'm Dark Pheonix. Awesome! I smite you all with my galazy destroying powers!
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