Sunday, April 1, 2007

I Have a Blog Now?

Looks that way. I have no idea what to put in here, but since I have a blog now I suppose I should put something.

I've never done one of these before, so on the off chance that anyone is reading this, y'all will just have to be patient with me. I'm starting this blog because I am an unpublished writer, and like millions of other unpublished writers out in the great wide world I would very much like to delete those first two damning letters. You know the ones. The U and the N. I hate those. Sure, they have their uses, but for someone who hasn't hit print they make for the ugliest syllable in the English language.

So where am I right now? Well, at this point I have finished two novels and subbed them out to various agents an publishers. Novel #1 is making the rounds of the mid-size houses at present, while novel #2 is still working the agent scene (that's fun, isn't it?).

Anyway, as information progresses I'll be sure to add more and let anyone who might actually see this blog know what is going on. For now it's lunchtime, and there's a greasy cheeseburger waiting for me downstairs.


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