Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Flash Fiction Stuff - Fun In 100 Words!

If you zip on over to the Absolute Write Water Cooler, you may find that Haggis, one of the mods, has issued a flash fiction horror challenge.

This is purty darn cool. I've never done any flash fiction before, but Tyhitia talked me into submitting one, so I did. Then I did another...and another...and another. It was pretty fun. A short distraction, yes...but still fun. You can all read them at the Absolute Write Water Cooler, I just gotta say two things first:

1) The flash fiction challenge has really shown me what kind of sick minds (like mine) write this stuff. More than one of them got a nice, fat "EEEEEW!" from me.

2) Some of them (including mine) have strong language. Fair warning.

See Y'all!


ORION said...

Did someone say sick?

ok be ready...a one year anniversary for Miss Snark going off air will be held at my blog by popular request...

ORION said...

Ok um its on May 20

Tyhitia Green said...

It was greta fun, David. I'm glad you participated. :*)

Aprilynne Pike said...


And strong language? Naughty David!! ;)

David L. McAfee said...

I know... :) I'm a bad boy.